Meta Tags

< /head>

Meta Tags:

Meta tags are HTML tags that provide information about a website to the crawlers of search engines and website visitors. They are placed within the head section of an HTML file of a webpage and are not visible on the website itself. Meta tags help search engines to understand the content and purpose of a webpage content, and they can also impact on how the webpage appears in search engine results. Here are some generally used meta tags:

1. Title Tag:

This meta tag specifies the title of a website. It is shown in search engine results and is important for search engine optimization (SEO). It is clickable and after click redirect users to main body of website.

2.Description Tag:

This meta tag provides a brief explanation of the webpage’s content. It is usually displayed below the title in search engine results and can influence click-through rates. 

3. Keyword Tag:

This meta tag used to be important for SEO, but its importance has decreased over time. It includes a list of relevant keywords related to the website’s content.

4.Robots Tag:

This meta tag urges search engine crawlers on how to index and follow links on a webpage. It can be used to prevent search engines from indexing certain pages or directories. 

5. Conical Tag:

This meta tag is used to indicate the best and selected version of a webpage when multiple versions with similar content exist. It helps prevent duplicate content issues. 

6. Open Graph Tag:

These meta tags are used for social media sharing. They provide information about the title, descriptions, and image of the website when content of a webpage is shared on platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

7. Viewport Tag:

This meta tag is used for responding web design according to different devices and screen sizes. It specifies the viewport’s dimensions and scaling behavior, ensuring that the webpage is displayed correctly on different devices and screen sizes.

These are just a few examples of meta tags, and there are many more available. The choice and usage of meta tags depend on the specific requirements and goals of a webpage.
