Some Words for Azad Kashmir

A blog about Azad Kashmir

Azad Kashmir is a land of  natural beauty, settled down in the Himalayan region of South Asia. Its rich cultural and historical significance has been documented for centuries. The region has a long  history, with influences from the Indus Valley civilization, Buddhist ,Hindu kingdoms, and Islamic rulers. In the early 19th century, it was conquered by the Sikh Empire, and later, by the British Raj. During the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, Azad Kashmir became a disputed territory between India and Pakistan, and its future status has yet to be resolved. Despite its disturbing  past, Azad Kashmir is very beautiful and peaceful state. Its people have worked hard to build a strong sense of national identity, grounded in their shared heritage, cultural traditions, and love for their homeland. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the beautiful  valleys and  lakes, Azad Kashmir is a place of remarkable natural beauty and a true testament to the  soul of its people. Today, Population of Azad Kashmir over four million people and is one of the most populated regions of Pakistan. It is
Azad kashmir map

 renowned for its eye catching  beauty, world-renowned  tourism destinations, and remarkable  cultural heritage. From the  bazaars and  markets to the  mountain retreats and  hiking trails, there is something for everyone in this magical corner of the world.As the people of Azad Kashmir look to the future, they remain committed to preserving their rich history and culture, and to building a better world for their next  generations to come. They stand united in their love for their homeland and in their determination to create a brighter tomorrow, filled with peace, prosperity, and endless possibilities. People are hard workers, peaceful,  beautiful.  Azad Kashmir is the state of Pakistan. People has love for Pakistan. Except for it's beautiful valleys, mountains and lakes it's cities are very beautiful such as Mirpur which is also called as “mini England “. 
Mirpur azad kashmir
Mirpur City

Mangla dam
Mangla Dam
